Someone once said that if opportunity doesn’t knock, you should build a door. We have a feeling that person never attempted a home renovation. It’s an exciting time, but it can also be stressful for everyone involved. Take a simple bit of advice from T.H.E. Remodel Group: communicate more, and stress less. These questions for your contractor will give you a good idea of who you’re dealing with and can help you choose with confidence. Here are the Top 5 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Remodeling Contractor!
Who are you?
Who are these people who’ll soon be taking crowbars to your walls and tearing up your floors? Some general contractors have a staff that’s large and diverse enough to handle every part of your remodel. Others will subcontract specialized tasks like plumbing, electrical, and HVAC. The contractor, and their subcontractors, should be licensed, bonded, and insured, and should have the know-how to handle permitting and inspections for your area.
Also, remember that a good remodeling contractor doesn’t just stand by their work; they’ll be more than happy to introduce you to satisfied home remodeling customers.
How Long Will This Take?
Some remodeling projects are so straightforward, quick, and easy that everyone’s pleasantly surprised. Others, not so much. So many variables can cause delays, including some — like weather, or a supplier who’s back-ordered — that can’t easily be controlled. An experienced contractor will give you a specific timeline for completion and the intermediate steps along the way; they should also be able to alert you to potential issues that could arise and change that timeline.
Who is Our Point of Contact?
It’s impossible to overestimate the importance of good communication. You’re going to have questions as your remodel takes shape. So will your remodeling contractor. And there’s no feeling worse than telling someone a concern or asking a question, and never being quite sure if the right person got the information, or is answering your question.
That communication is especially important for changes to your project. During the demolition phase, a structural issue could be found that makes a change or feature you wanted difficult or even dangerous; conversely, you may envision something in the middle of a kitchen remodel that could pull together a room, but you may not be sure of what’s involved or what it will cost. Knowing who needs to speak to whom, and about what will go a long way toward saving your sanity.
What will this cost, and when?
If your remodeling contractor asks to be paid in full upfront, thank them, and run. Your payment schedule — typically a down payment, with other payments on a timeline for appliances, fixtures, and materials — should be worked out in advance with the contractor. Final payment should only be made when work is complete and the last bits of debris carted off.
How do you back your work?
Plain and simple, your contractor should warrant their work, and the duration and procedure for handling repairs should be spelled out in writing.
The more questions you ask before work starts, the fewer questions and less stress you’ll have afterward. You may have other questions — especially about the contract, once it’s proffered — and your prospective contractor should be honest and open about those as well. If you want a Portland remodeling contractor you can trust, contact T.H.E. Remodel Group today to discuss your project.
It is important not only to ask questions, but also to conclude a contract with the contractor to avoid problems and not to lose money.